How do I test for an exception in Dart | Flutter?
Using matchers to test for exceptions in Dart | Flutter
Table of contents
How to test for Custom Exceptions in dart?
Say you have written a code that throws a custom exception and you created it.
Let's call it
Now how do you test for this exception while writing unit tests in dart?
No sweat!
You can use TypeMatcher<T> class
TypeMatcher is a Matcher subclass that supports validating the Type of the target object.
Let's see an example:-
class MockUser {
var _isInitialized = false;
bool get isInitialized => _isInitialized;
void testInitialize() {
if (!isInitialized) throw NotInitializedException();
Here's how you would write a test for this
void main() {
group('Mock User', () {
final user = MockUser();
test('Test that initialization throws the right exception', () {
final result = user.testInitialized()
expect(result, throwsA(const TypeMatcher<NotInitializedException>()));
The throwsA matcher
can be used to test 3 kinds of objects:
- A function that throws an exception when called,
like in our case
. - A future that completes with an exception
- A function that returns a future that completes with an exception.
That's all.